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Besieged: Water is the fourth chapter in our special series on the spatial politics of settler colonialism in Palestine, which features films to raise funds for aid groups in Gaza. 

“This is a film about what it’s like to live with less than one raindrop out of every ten.” Drying Up Palestine (2007) is a documentary by Peter Snowdon and Rima Essa featuring Palestinians in villages and refugee camps in the West Bank as they struggle to access water. Those interviewed explain the economic toll and health impacts that they endure due to Israel’s stranglehold on water infrastructure and its control of water sources across Palestine. We suggest a €5 donation to access the stream using the link above, but you’re free to choose any amount, with all proceeds going to flo.pure, a water distribution project by the Gaza Soup Kitchen, and the Gaza Municipality, which is raising funds to repair infrastructure across Gaza. 

To accompany the film, FA editor Sasha Plotnikova interviewed water scholar Muna Dajani about Israel’s occupation of water in Palestine. You can read the interview here.