Keep Failed from Failing

Keep Failed from Failing

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The Failed Architecture 2020 Wrecking Ball


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When Architects Work for People not Profit: Revolution and the Architecture Workers Movement in Portugal

_Houses against Capital__Popular demonstration in Porto, 1975 (photo by Alexandre Alves Costa) 2

Work Issues From an Architecture Office


Jakarta’s Superblocks Continue a Legacy of Urban Segregation

Every day is exactly the same – for the past few months, I’ve been tidying up the groups in a BIM model

Where the Image Flows: How Sidewalk Labs’ Public Relations Came to Dominate Journalism


#11 Architects Unionise!

Podcast (4)

The histories of our actions are embedded in the material world

The Missing Bodies in Architecture’s Talk of Embodied Energy

Copy of Permenente Quarry_KBMD

The Radical Culture of Night Shops and Beauty Salons

Olu Rye Lane

Degrowth is About Redistribution by Design, Not by Collapse

OAT2019 Library ‘ARCHITECTURE’ CREDIT Yujia Bian (3)

The Far Right’s Obsession with Modern Architecture


Thierry Baudet

What is at stake is the erasure of an architecture which faithfully mirrors the ambiguities, complexities and struggles of the contemporary urban experience

Death to the Calling: A Job in Architecture Is Still a Job

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The Deceptive Platform Utopianism of Google’s Sidewalk Labs


Why Haven’t British Architects Unionised?

The architect’s resistance 1969

A pastoral fiction that speaks more to a mutated village life than what is arguably the height of techno-capitalism today

#10 Mecca to the Max: The Holy City Transformed



Making Anti-Terror Infrastructure Pretty: The Most Depressing New Urban Design Challenge


Alice Sweitzer Charlie Clemoes Anti Terror Infrastructure 1