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Breezeblock #42
Breezeblock #41
On Discomfort #7 / Breezeblock #40
Breezeblock #39
On Discomfort #6 / Breezeblock #38
On Discomfort #5 / Breezeblock #37
On Discomfort #4 / Breezeblock #36
Breezeblock #35
On Discomfort #3 / Breezeblock #34
Breezeblock #33
Breezeblock #32
Breezeblock #31
Breezeblock #30
On Discomfort #2 / Breezeblock #29
On Discomfort #1 / Breezeblock #28
Breezeblock #27
Podcast #15
Breezeblock #26
Breezeblock #25
Breezeblock #24
Breezeblock #23
Breezeblock #22
Podcast #14
Breezeblock #21
Breezeblock #20
Podcast #13
Breezeblock #19
Breezeblock #18
Breezeblock #17
Breezeblock #16
Breezeblock #15
Breezeblock #14
Breezeblock #13
Breezeblock #12
Breezeblock #11
Breezeblock #10
Breezeblock #09
Breezeblock #08
Breezeblock #07
Breezeblock #06
Breezeblock #05
Breezeblock #04
Breezeblock #03
Podcast #12
Breezeblock #02
Breezeblock #01
Podcast #11
Podcast #10
Podcast #09
Podcast #08
Podcast #07
Podcast #06
Podcast #05
Podcast #04
Podcast #03
Podcast #02
Podcast #01
A City of Our Own
Building Workers Unite
Cities After Algorithms
The Climate Changed
special series
A Cage by Another Name
Sasha Plotnikova
Otro nombre para jaula
Sasha Plotnikova
Adaptive Refuse
Joshua McWhirter
Dear Jean Nouvel, Please Don’t “Revitalise” the Algiers Casbah
Failed Architecture
The Cities of Vilnius: Past Ideologies, New Consumerism
Chiara Dorbolò
How The Student Hotel Makes Millennials Pay for Amsterdam’s Housing Shortage
Roos van Strien
Photo Essay: The Grey City – Aberdeen’s Mundane Side
Mark Minkjan
Clubbing’s Demise and the Downfall of London
Charlie Clemoes
Colonising the Street: How Greenpoint’s Retail Newcomers Market Authenticity
Elise Vleugels
Photo Essay: Brooklyn’s New Everyday Architecture for the 1%
Jeff Byles
Komtar: Malaysia’s Monument to Failed Modernism
Soon-Tzu Speechley
The Tyranny of the Filter Bubble and the Future of Public Space
Mark Minkjan
René Boer
Haussmann and the Sanitisation of Amsterdam
Mark Minkjan
Photo Essay: On the Resilience of Ugliness
René Boer
Gangs of New York: The Battle for 5 Pointz
Margaret McCormick
Concrete Experience: Bakema’s TrouwAmsterdam
René Boer
Michiel van Iersel
Mark Minkjan
A Warning to Lisbon: The Fight for Meaning in Martim Moniz
Rita Aguiar Rodrigues
The Shame of Ljubljana: Plečnik’s Abandoned Stadium in Full Bloom
Barbara Prezelj
Cleaning Out the Rat Holes of Zagreb’s Flower Square
Slaven Klicek
San Francisco’s NEMA: Parvenu Luxury, Surrealistically Marketed
Martha Bridegam
Failed Policy, Successful Architecture: Selfmade City Istanbul
Stijn Kuipers and Hylke Broekema
Bypassing Gentrification, the Raging Russian Way
Akishin Alexander
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